Puppies carrying watches inside their bodies know exactly when food is served.
When I travel far away with My Dog – Chamggae, I sometimes have to feed them simply in the car.
A great wet dog food for this situation is Cesar Simply Crafted.

I bought and feed some Cesar’s wet dog food to Chamggae.
She really like it, but I’ve been hesitating to buy it because it looks too greasy, but Cesar has released a different style of wet food.
The companion dog meal supplementation formula listed next to 37g shows the characteristics of Cesar Simply Crafted.

It’s hard to see because it’s small, but you can see the ingredients and cautions related to Cesar Simple Crafted.
It should be noted that the expiration date is two years from the date of manufacture and that it should be given with the main feed indicated on the method of giving.

Cesar Simply Crafted includes beef, chicken, purple potatoes, beans, and red rice, but does not contain sweeteners and preservatives.
I’m a little curious about the expiration date of 2 years without the preservation fee.

This is what Cesar Simply Crafted looks like when you plough out a piece of paper with an explanation.

It’s a translucent container, so I can see the contents slightly, but it’s a big chunk.

When I opened Caesar Simply Crafted, I found this visual.
I can see things like meat and beans clearly.
And it doesn’t smell bad.

When I go on a trip, I prepare general dry food, not this type of feed.
Since Cesar Simply Crafted is not full, put dry feed in a container and mix it together.
Mix Cesar Simply Craftyed hard and give it to Chamggae, and she eat it like crazy.
Cesar Simply Crafted Review
Cesar Simply Crafted alone is not the main food.
As mentioned above, it is a supplementary food.
You need to give the dogs the necessary nutrition with the main feed.
If you travel with your dog, this Cesar Simply Crafted can solve the problem of eating dog very conveniently.
If you’re a dog that only eats dried dog food, you’ll have no problem, but if you’re a dog that’s picky, Cesar Simply Crafted will help you.
The price is quite wicked compared to its weight, but I think it’s another advantage that you can easily buy Cesar Simply Crafted at convenience stores.